
Forget What You Think You Know About Moonshine | Manhattan With A Twist — Tue, Apr 01, 2014

Sure, moonshine is said to be a thing of the past, but thanks to Ole Smoky, it’s here to stay. Now don’t cringe — we know moonshine is known for its astronomically high proof , but we can attest that this doesn’t taste like something you’d use to remove nail polish. Ole Smoky Tennessee Moonshine is the first federally licensed distillery in East Tennessee, officially opened in 2010. The moonshine, which is meant to be drunk straight from a mason jar, comes in many variations, including the Original Unaged Corn Whiskey, Apple Pie, Moonshine Cherries and more. Their original 100 proof moonshine utilizes a century-old family recipe comprised of 80% corn, with the additional 20% remaining a mystery. For more information, click here! 
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